The Chosen has done an exceptional job of presenting a holistic view of Jesus, the only one truly worth following.

As someone who has dedicated their life to studying the Bible and teaching adults for over four decades, I've found that the series, Chosen, truly captures the essence of the Messiah. Every Sunday afternoon, we gather as a church family to watch this series, and the insightful questions it sparks are truly remarkable. This portrayal of Jesus is something that needs to be seen by as many people as possible. In American churches, our preaching has often been skewed, focusing on one aspect of the Savior over others. But we're called to follow Jesus as he is, not a version we've created for ourselves. To do otherwise is simply idolatry. The Chosen has done an exceptional job of presenting a holistic view of Jesus, the only one truly worth following. It's a series that strikes at the heart of what it means to be a follower of Christ, challenging us to see beyond our preconceptions and embrace the full measure of the Messiah.
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To God be the glory for the way The Chosen is making history around the world and in my life.
The release of 'The Chosen' felt divinely timed. Its portrayal of Jesus and Mary Magdalene deeply resonated with my personal journey with Jesus. The acting and casting were impeccable, and it felt like watching my own story. But what makes it even more special is watching it with my 88-year-old mother and brother. My brother endured a 12-year ordeal in an Indonesian prison, unjustly sentenced to death. It seemed like an insurmountable situation, but through global prayers and divine interventions, he was miraculously released in 2021. The simple act of us sitting together, watching any show, is a miracle. Watching 'The Chosen' together is indescribable. Seeing my brother, alive and moved by the show, fills my heart with joy. Thank you, Dallas, for your faith and obedience in creating this show. Your dedication is evident in every interview and story. To God be the glory for the way The Chosen is making history around the world and in my life. Blessings, Monique Amado. P.S. Here's a video of our reunion at the airport after his release:
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The release of 'The Chosen' felt divinely timed. Its portrayal of Jesus and Mary Magdalene deeply resonated with my personal journey with Jesus. The acting and casting were impeccable, and it felt like watching my own story. But what makes it even more special is watching it with my 88-year-old mother and brother. My brother endured a 12-year ordeal in an Indonesian prison, unjustly sentenced to death. It seemed like an insurmountable situation, but through global prayers and divine interventions, he was miraculously released in 2021. The simple act of us sitting together, watching any show, is a miracle. Watching 'The Chosen' together is indescribable. Seeing my brother, alive and moved by the show, fills my heart with joy. Thank you, Dallas, for your faith and obedience in creating this show. Your dedication is evident in every interview and story. To God be the glory for the way The Chosen is making history around the world and in my life. Blessings, Monique Amado. P.S. Here's a video of our reunion at the airport after his release:
To God be the glory for the way The Chosen is making history around the world and in my life.
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While we can't donate much, our shirts have inspired conversations and encouraged others to explore the series.
At 80, I've always felt Christian, but 'The Chosen', recommended by my family, filled a void. My husband and I are captivated, having watched all three seasons multiple times and eagerly await the next. The Round Tables and other extras enrich our understanding, making biblical stories more tangible. Our merchandise from 'The Chosen' store has effortlessly sparked conversations about faith. While we can't donate much, our shirts have inspired conversations and encouraged others to explore the series. Keep up the incredible work!
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's story
At 80, I've always felt Christian, but 'The Chosen', recommended by my family, filled a void. My husband and I are captivated, having watched all three seasons multiple times and eagerly await the next. The Round Tables and other extras enrich our understanding, making biblical stories more tangible. Our merchandise from 'The Chosen' store has effortlessly sparked conversations about faith. While we can't donate much, our shirts have inspired conversations and encouraged others to explore the series. Keep up the incredible work!
While we can't donate much, our shirts have inspired conversations and encouraged others to explore the series.
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Now, as a budding Christian, I appreciate how 'The Chosen' brings the Bible to life and furthers my understanding of what it all means.
Growing up, my brother and I weren't baptized or raised with a religious foundation. Yet, I always felt a pull towards spirituality. This feeling intensified when I had children, prompting me to introduce them to the Lord. A Facebook friend shared "The Shepherd" episode from 'The Chosen', which deepened my curiosity and understanding. A little nudge kept bringing me back to that video, and after a while, I decided to donate to the organization and have never looked back. Now, as a budding Christian, I appreciate how 'The Chosen' brings the Bible to life and furthers my understanding of what it all means. I'm excited to continue my journey with 'The Chosen' guiding the way.
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's story
Growing up, my brother and I weren't baptized or raised with a religious foundation. Yet, I always felt a pull towards spirituality. This feeling intensified when I had children, prompting me to introduce them to the Lord. A Facebook friend shared "The Shepherd" episode from 'The Chosen', which deepened my curiosity and understanding. A little nudge kept bringing me back to that video, and after a while, I decided to donate to the organization and have never looked back. Now, as a budding Christian, I appreciate how 'The Chosen' brings the Bible to life and furthers my understanding of what it all means. I'm excited to continue my journey with 'The Chosen' guiding the way.
Now, as a budding Christian, I appreciate how 'The Chosen' brings the Bible to life and furthers my understanding of what it all means.
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It's as if I used to read the Bible in black and white, but now it's vivid with color.
For 40 years, I've tried to follow Jesus. Though I identify with Peter's fiery temperament, the other figures always felt distant to me. However, when I watched the miracle of the fish, I felt like I was there, experiencing it all. That moment transformed my understanding and drew me closer to Jesus and other Bible stories. It's as if I used to read the Bible in black and white, but now it's vivid with color.
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's story
For 40 years, I've tried to follow Jesus. Though I identify with Peter's fiery temperament, the other figures always felt distant to me. However, when I watched the miracle of the fish, I felt like I was there, experiencing it all. That moment transformed my understanding and drew me closer to Jesus and other Bible stories. It's as if I used to read the Bible in black and white, but now it's vivid with color.
It's as if I used to read the Bible in black and white, but now it's vivid with color.
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My 11-year-old granddaughter and I watch an episode [of The Chosen] weekly, discussing its themes. 'The Chosen' has profoundly impacted my life and enriched my family's understanding in unexpected ways.
While looking for Christmas shows for my granddaughter, I stumbled upon 'The Shepherd' pilot episode and was immediately captivated. I quickly watched the first season and eagerly awaited the next two. I've shared it with everyone, aiming to spread its message. Now, my 11-year-old granddaughter and I watch an episode weekly, discussing its themes. 'The Chosen' has profoundly impacted my life and enriched my family's understanding in unexpected ways.
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's story
While looking for Christmas shows for my granddaughter, I stumbled upon 'The Shepherd' pilot episode and was immediately captivated. I quickly watched the first season and eagerly awaited the next two. I've shared it with everyone, aiming to spread its message. Now, my 11-year-old granddaughter and I watch an episode weekly, discussing its themes. 'The Chosen' has profoundly impacted my life and enriched my family's understanding in unexpected ways.
My 11-year-old granddaughter and I watch an episode [of The Chosen] weekly, discussing its themes. 'The Chosen' has profoundly impacted my life and enriched my family's understanding in unexpected ways.
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The Chosen became my beacon of hope, offering a renewed perspective on life, God, and Jesus during my darkest hours.
Hello, I'm Josie, a 30-year-old woman from São Gabriel do Oeste, a city nestled in the heart of Brazil. I first encountered The Chosen in 2021, a few months after my father, my rock, succumbed to cancer. His loss left me adrift, searching for something to anchor me. That's when The Chosen came into my life. I was immediately captivated by the series, which portrayed Jesus in a way I'd never seen before - as a human, relatable and real. It was through this depiction that I began to grasp why He had called me. Fast forward to the start of this year, I found myself revisiting the three seasons of The Chosen. This was after a period of self-isolation from church and surviving two suicide attempts. Watching the series again, I found a renewed perspective on life, God, and Jesus. I won't pretend that everything is perfect now. I still grapple with depression, but I'm learning to cope, to keep moving forward. The Chosen has been a beacon of hope in my life, a testament to the power of faith. I'm grateful for the work they do. May God bless them.
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's story
Hello, I'm Josie, a 30-year-old woman from São Gabriel do Oeste, a city nestled in the heart of Brazil. I first encountered The Chosen in 2021, a few months after my father, my rock, succumbed to cancer. His loss left me adrift, searching for something to anchor me. That's when The Chosen came into my life. I was immediately captivated by the series, which portrayed Jesus in a way I'd never seen before - as a human, relatable and real. It was through this depiction that I began to grasp why He had called me. Fast forward to the start of this year, I found myself revisiting the three seasons of The Chosen. This was after a period of self-isolation from church and surviving two suicide attempts. Watching the series again, I found a renewed perspective on life, God, and Jesus. I won't pretend that everything is perfect now. I still grapple with depression, but I'm learning to cope, to keep moving forward. The Chosen has been a beacon of hope in my life, a testament to the power of faith. I'm grateful for the work they do. May God bless them.
The Chosen became my beacon of hope, offering a renewed perspective on life, God, and Jesus during my darkest hours.
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