Bring your loaves & fish and let god do the rest
season 6 progress
Your tax-deductible gift ensures that all seven seasons of The Chosen are:
Made Globally Accessible
Translated in 600 Languages
Free for All
Check donations mailed to our office must be postmarked by Dec 31st in order to be eligible for a 2024 tax deduction. If you are paying with a credit card that is mailed to the office, it must be received by Friday, Dec 27th to be processed by the deadline.
Easy ways to give
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry that’s recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the Come and See Foundation exists to make The Chosen possible and to share the series with the world through new language translations and distribution strategies. Your charitable donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by your country of residence, and there are many easy ways you can contribute to the Come and See Foundation.
Your gift makes an impact
Thank you for partnering with the Come and See Foundation. Please fill out the following form.
After submission, you will be redirected to complete your donation.
Make your gift through ACH, Paypal, Debit Card or Credit Card here.
To make a wire transfer, please call 719-569-5191
To make a donation through your donor advised fund, please provide the following information to the account holder:
Organization: Come and See Foundation
EIN: 88-3013171
Mailing Address:
6385 Corporate Drive
Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Phone: 719-569-5191
Contact: Kira McCracken
Title: VP of Development
Please note that our Non Profit was incorporated in Raleigh, NC, and so you may see that listed when you search for Come and See, but rest assured it is the same organization! Our mailing address for donations is above. Thank you for your generosity.
To donate a stock, bond, mutual fund, or ETF to the Come and See Foundation, please visit this form.
To mail a gift, send it to:
Come and See Foundation
6385 Corporate Drive
Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
*Please include your email address with your mailed check so we can email you a receipt!
Here is some relevant information as you seek to make a qualified charitable distribution through your IRA:
Organization: Come and See Foundation
EIN: 88-3013171
Mailing Address:
6385 Corporate Drive
Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Phone: 719-569-5191
Contact: Kira McCracken
Title: VP of Development
To overnight a gift, please send to:
Come and See Foundation
6385 Corporate Drive
Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80919