Stock Transfer Form
Thank you for using your investments to further the reach of The Chosen by helping to complete the series and making it accessible around the world. Here's how to get started:
1: Transfer Stock
You or your broker will need to initiate a direct transfer of the stock to our brokerage account. For this, you will need the following information about the Come and See Foundation:
- Name of our brokerage firm: Edward Jones
- Our account number: 351-25151-1-9
- Our DTC number: 0057
- Our EIN (Tax ID): 88-3013171
If you have possession of the actual stock certificates, you may mail them to:
Come and See Foundation
9540 Federal Drive
Suite 250
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Come and See Foundation
9540 Federal Drive
Suite 250
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
2: Fill out notification form
When a transfer is initiated, it is very important that you notify the Come and See Foundation using the notification form that you are making a gift. This helps us match up incoming donations with their donors.
3: Keep a record for taxes
Remember to keep a record of your gift for your taxes. You'll need a record of the stock's value on the day you made the gift as well as what you donated. Consult with your tax advisor to understand how to claim this donation on your tax return.
Please note: This information is not intended to be legal or tax advice. We recommend that you consult with your financial advisor or attorney before making a stock donation.