The Chosen dissolved the distinction between seeking Jesus with my mind and seeking Him with my heart, encouraging me to dig into Scripture and reach for Jesus Himself.

In April 2021, during yet another lockdown, I was searching for a way to celebrate Easter. I decided to watch movies about the life of Jesus and started with The Gospel of John. Surprisingly, it was good! Henry Ian Cusick's portrayal of Jesus struck a chord with me. I continued with Risen, where Cliff Curtis brought warmth and gentleness to the role. Then came Mary Magdalene, with Joaquin Phoenix's powerful pathos while carrying the cross. Lastly, I watched Paul, Apostle of Christ and wished there was an actor who could embody Jesus like James Faulkner embodied Paul. Before this, Jesus had always seemed distant and enigmatic to me, unlike the close connection I felt with God the Father. But leading up to Easter 2021, I felt a strong pull towards God the Son. It was no coincidence that I had the sudden impulse to watch Jesus movies. Looking back, John 6:44 perfectly captures what was happening: no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them. A few weeks later, I stumbled upon a glowing review of The Chosen. Having exhausted the Jesus film genre, I decided to give it a try. Little did I know that it would be a life-changing experience. After watching the first episode, I found myself sobbing uncontrollably, feeling a deep connection with Jesus like never before. The Chosen portrayed Jesus in a way that made him approachable and full of mercy and love. The realistic performance of Jonathan Roumie as Jesus in The Chosen made me realize that Jesus wasn't cold and distant, but warm and tender. He lived among us as a flesh-and-blood man, experiencing all the emotions and struggles we do. This series has transformed my walk with the Lord and played a crucial role in it. It dissolved the distinction between seeking Jesus with my mind and seeking Him with my heart, encouraging me to dig into Scripture and reach for Jesus Himself. As someone on the Gen X-Millennial cusp, I believe The Chosen has come at the right time. It is reaching millions of people through visual and social media, changing lives along the way. Today, I can't imagine my life without experiencing the love and presence of the Lord on a daily basis, all thanks to The Chosen.