Welcome to the Prayer Crew
Meet Laura, a dedicated member of the Prayer Crew, and discover four impactful ways to support and pray for The Chosen's global mission.

My name is Laura, and I’m honored to join you in prayer for 1 billion people to encounter Jesus—one episode at a time—through The Chosen.
This vibrant community is praying for the message of Jesus to change lives around the world—bringing transformative experiences with Jesus to people like Key, who shared:
“The moment I began watching The Chosen, Jesus reminded me of how close He truly is. In one of the episodes, I saw Jesus heal Mary. I knew that God was speaking to me. In viewing this scene, for the first time I felt like my mind was set free as I watched Mary experience true freedom. Through this episode, Jesus said to my heart, ‘You are mine.’”
The Prayer Crew knows the power of Jesus and desires to see lives changed through divine encounter. As a member of the Prayer Crew, you can pray with those changed by Jesus, like Key, who later shared his heartfelt prayer:
“I pray that God blesses the show, cast, fans, Come and See projects, and anyone connected to The Chosen community, abundantly. I pray everyone, everywhere, will see this show in all languages, and know that God is with us. People have been, are being, and will be set free from the darkness. In Jesus name, amen.”
Thank you for joining this chorus of prayer for The Chosen to impact one billion souls—reaching modern audiences with the transformative message of Jesus.
Will you join in prayer for The Chosen today?
Here are 4 Ways to Pray:
- Pray for Production: Pray for the safety and creativity of all those behind The Chosen as they prepare to launch Season 4. Pray for the writers, producers, cast and crew. Pray for the provision of funding for Season 5.
- Pray for Translation: Pray for Come and See as it provides the resources, technology, ministry connections and expertise to further translation of The Chosen into 600 heart languages.
- Pray for Globalization: Pray for God to open doors for The Chosen to be distributed around the world. Pray for partners to help provide global accessibility to all 7 seasons of the show while keeping it free for all.
- Pray for Impact: Finally, pray for the hearts of all who watch The Chosen. Pray for this series to lead to encounters with the authentic Jesus, to experience God’s love and closer discipleship with our Lord. Pray that the message of Jesus portrayed in The Chosen will inspire and transform hearts with the hope of Christ.