God Sees You, Always

Feeling truly seen and known by God.

Wendi Lord, PhD
September 23, 2024

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” 1 John 3:1-2

Hello, Dear Reader. I see you!

There you are, binging The Chosen but still wondering why on earth you’re here. I see you feeling hopeful as you watch the character of Jesus care for the community around him. And yet I sense you still experience emotions such as resentment, loneliness, disconnection, or feeling invisible or disposable.

Let’s explore this a bit.

Right or wrong, like it or not, there is power in being seen and known. Every day, people make choices to take or leave jobs, start or end relationships, eat, sleep, and do things that bring them energy –– all based on whether they feel they’re deeply seen and known. We all crave authentic relationships — the kind where people know you through and through and love you anyway. We watch The Chosen and then walk away wishing we could spend more time with Jesus. His disciples seem so…free. Free from the demons of their past — from addiction, bad relationships, ineffective habits (you name it). I don’t know about you, but when I watch the series, I see the character of Jesus look at people deeply. And, oh, what it must feel like to sense his knowing, his love, and his forgiveness — to feel deeply seen by Jesus and loved without any shame.

I’ve been watching the disciples for a few seasons now. It’s clear that once they feel seen and known, they sense how their unique gifts and traits can support the others and help spread the good news to build his kingdom. I want that for me. I want that for all of us.

Today, if you’re wondering how to move forward in serving him, take a moment to ponder. Look at your life and relationships, your hobbies, and the work you do. Reflect on what’s most important to you and think about where you really thrive. Embrace the idea that personal growth may involve reconsidering, reframing, and updating your mental models. You might decide to rethink your health, character, work style, habits, or life in general.

Talk to God about your inner-most desires — who you want to be and what you want to do for him. He can help you take steps toward the change you want to see in your own life. Stay open to shifting priorities and circumstances or new aspirations that God may put in your heart. And as you surrender to him and raise your self-awareness, you will find that you not only feel better and freer, but equipped to support others in their journey as well.

I pray today that we all become more present to God’s Spirit living inside of us. God sees and knows us deeply. He can soothe and transform us. And then we can begin to deeply see and know those around us, anticipating their needs as we serve God.

I see you, and I’m rooting for you,

–Wendi Lord, Phd
Vice President, Content Localization
Come and See Foundation

Here are some specific ways you can lift up Come and See’s work in Content Localization — that all-important work of making sure The Chosen is shared around the world and in the heart languages of millions of people:

  • In some regions our translators face the possibility of persecution, imprisonment, or harm. Pray for protection over those serving in places of risk. Pray for perseverance and courage. Pray that resistant hearts would receive the message of Jesus in these sensitive regions.
  • Many of our translators and their family members face health challenges, economic hardships, natural disasters, societal unrest, and unexpected loss. Pray for God to comfort, strengthen, and provide for translation reviewers and their families — whether they encounter physical, spiritual, or emotional need.
  • The translation process faces numerous challenges. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide effective communication through localization efforts. Pray for the message of Jesus through The Chosen to be portrayed with excellence — engaging diverse cultures and languages with biblical accuracy and cultural relevance. Pray against evil forces seeking to thwart translation and distribution efforts so that millions more may experience the authentic Jesus through this series.
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Dr. Wendi Lord serves as VP of Localization at Come and See. Her experience spans Fortune 50 to not-for-profit organizations, with a focus on translation in the technology sector. For many years, she has served in leadership roles across the Christian publishing and music industries, and in 2023, she released her book Propel Your Potential: Learn to Flourish When You Have Enough but Don’t Feel Like Enough. Wendi collaborates with clients and firms worldwide to help people flourish at work and in life.