Faithfulness in the Mystery

A guide to start 2025 with hope, faithfulness, and prayer

Laura Gish
January 21, 2025

A new year is here, and it’s brimming with possibilities — some wonderfully clear, some utterly mysterious. But isn’t that how God often works? His ways, much like the wind, are unpredictable, even if purposeful. 

If you’ve ever found yourself asking, “Lord, where are we headed?”, then you’re in good company. Nicodemus — a Pharisee who snuck out under the cover of night to question Jesus — knew that tension all too well. He came hoping for a tidy, wrapped-in-a-bow explanation of God’s ways. Instead, Jesus offered him mystery, likening the work of the Spirit to the wind — powerful, unpredictable, and free.

And here’s the thing: mystery is not a problem to solve; it’s an invitation to trust. 

In 2025, you may not have a clear map for every decision or a perfect plan for every goal. But you do have the Spirit, whose every move draws you closer to Jesus and sends you outward to love others. So, as you step into this new year, lean into the mystery. Let your faith depend on the unchanging truth of God’s goodness and love, not on understanding every twist and turn. Ask for eyes to see him, hands ready to receive, and feet willing to follow wherever He leads — even if the path is foggy.

To help you step into the future with faithfulness even in the face of the mysterious, we are delighted to offer Come and Pray, a prayer guide designed not only to help you pray for the production, translation, and distribution of The Chosen, but also to pray heartfelt written prayers that are inspired by the series. Want a sneak peek at one of those prayers? This one reflects what we’ve been talking about — a prayer inspired by Nicodemus’s late-night encounter with Jesus in John 3:1-21, titled “For Faithfulness in the Midst of the Mysterious.” As you read it, try praying it aloud or in the silence of your heart:

To tell me — just as your Son told Nicodemus — that your Spirit is like the wind is to invite me into a life marked by mystery. Like a gust, you’ll arrive from directions I couldn’t have guessed, and like a gale, you’ll propel me to places I never could have imagined. But while I can’t ever know when you’ll come or where you’ll go, there’s no mystery in the ‘why’ behind them both: you always come to shape me in the likeness of your Son, to then send me out and about to love others. Father, give me the eyes to see whenever you’ve arrived, the hands to receive whatever it is you give, and the feet to follow you to wherever it is you’ve prepared a work of love. Amen.

What would it look like for you to embrace the Wind this year? Maybe it’s stepping into a new opportunity without knowing all the details. Maybe it’s opening your hands to release a plan you’ve clung to too tightly. Whatever it is, know this: God’s Spirit will never leave you stranded. Every gust and gale has a purpose — to shape you and to send you.

Here’s to a year full of surprises, challenges, and above all, moments where we see the Spirit at work in and through us. 

And as you embrace this journey — download your copy of Come and Pray for even more prayers, reflections, and prompts designed to help you pray alongside us as you walk with God, no matter where the Wind blows.

In His Love,

Laura Gish 
Prayer Coordinator
Come and See Foundation

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I love helping people pray. And this is the work I coordinate through Come and See! I believe every follower of Jesus can experience the awe-inspiring power of prayer. Jesus’ life and teaching shows us the beauty and mystery of this spiritual practice. Talking with God as Jesus taught makes the unimaginable possible – and it changes us in the process. For the last 13 years, I’ve helped to mobilize, resource and direct praying communities to rally around the transformational experience of collective prayer. Together, let’s join in prayer for the message of Jesus to reach 1 billion people through The Chosen!