A WHY That Tells You HOW to Pray

How you can pray for Come and See and The Chosen.

Stan Jantz
August 22, 2024

Not long ago I came across a way of praying that has strengthened my prayer life. It’s easy to remember because it spells the word WHY:




Start with WOW

When you start with WOW as you pray, you immediately think about all the ways God has blessed you—whether it’s been that day, the past week, or long before. When I start with WOW, the great Fanny Crosby hymn often comes to mind: “To God Be the Glory, Great Things He Has Done.” But more often these days, I say WOW to the ways God continues to answer the prayers of the Come and See Prayer Crew, which now stands at 135,000 people.

I say WOW to this because here’s what has happened just in the last 30 days:

  • Filming of Season 5 of The Chosen was completed.
  • Season 5 was fully-funded.
  • Season 4 continues to release globally.
  • We’re more than halfway through seven seasons of The Chosen.

Any one of these milestones would be worthy of a WOW, but together, they show just how incredibly faithful God has been to Come and See and The Chosen. And it all begins with your prayers.

Ask for HELP

We need God’s help more than ever. In Psalm 121, we read a magnificent prayer calling for God’s HELP:

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

At Come and See, we need God’s HELP everyday. Our mission is to fund The Chosen through seven seasons, translate every episode into 600 languages, and distribute them to every corner of the world—all while keeping the show free to all. We can’t fulfill our mission unless people give generously and—at times—radically.  More importantly, the mission of Come and See won’t be completed unless people pray. We need the HELP of the Come and See Prayer Crew more than ever!

Offer your YES

This final part of the WHY prayer is perhaps my favorite, but it’s also the hardest. What is it that God wants me to do today? Even more, what does God want to do through me? The YES part of the WHY prayer is an act of surrender. It’s our telling God that we want to follow Jesus fully, to the point of saying, “Not my will, but your will be done.”

God’s assignments are rarely easy, sometimes pretty hard, but always incredibly rewarding, because God loves us so much that he only wants what is best for us, which is to glorify Jesus in all things.

How you can pray for Come and See and The Chosen

How can you continue to pray for Come and See and The Chosen? Start with WOW as you think about the great things God has done for you, and then think about how much of a WOW it is to pray for:

The greatest story

told in the greatest way

to the greatest number of people

in history

Ask God to HELP you in all things, including how you can be praying for Come and See and The Chosen. And always say YES to God and the assignments he has for you, knowing that he loves you and wants to weave his story into your life and the lives of those you pray for.  

We love you, too—and we are so grateful for your prayers! 

Stan Jantz


Come and See Foundation

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As Chief Executive Officer, Stan Jantz leads Come and See in its mission to share the authentic Jesus with 1 billion people. After serving as president of one of the nation’s largest Christian bookstores, Stan began a writing career that has produced 75 books with more than 4 million copies sold. His latest title, released in 2024, is Ten Essentials for New Christians.