A New Year with Jesus

Let’s begin the year in prayer for The Chosen’s unfolding story to ignite hearts for Jesus.

Laura Gish
January 17, 2024

Dear Prayer Crew,

Hey there! It's Laura Gish, coordinator of Come and See's Prayer Crew.

2024 is a big year for The Chosen and the work of Come and See, so we need you to pray for something big—which we’ll get to in a minute. First, we want to share what we’re praying for you and your fellow members of the Come and See Prayer Crew.  

During Christmas and year-end festivities, things slow way down and reality seems far off. Yet change continues to happen all around us. Economic disruptions. Political uncertainty. Global skirmishes. The explosive growth of AI. And we’ve not even mentioned the pressures we all face in our relationships, finances, and health. 

As we enter the new year, there’s reason to pause and position our hearts. 2024 holds new opportunities. And as we welcome these fresh starts, what is more vital for us to pursue than the primary relationship in our life—our relationship with Jesus?

I’ve always loved the story of the two disciples walking with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. In Luke 24:32, these two travelers reflected on their journey with Jesus: “They said to one another, ‘Were our hearts not burning within us when He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?’”

Here’s what we’ve been praying—and will be praying—for you and every member of the Prayer Crew: that your hearts would be ignited for Jesus in 2024. As you walk the road of this new year, may it be a year of not only speaking about Jesus, but also talking with Jesus; not just hearing about him, but hearing from him. And we certainly hope and trust that The Chosen will be a big part of your journey, just as it has been in the past.   

Which brings us to the prayer request we have for you. 

Will you join us in praying that God will use The Chosen to ignite the hearts of countless people for Jesus in 2024?

We recently heard this powerful testimony from a viewer named Ren: “This series represented a Jesus that I had never met, and through The Chosen series I was able to understand that the wonderful grace of God is our Lord Jesus Christ. The series impacted my heart because of Jesus.”


The Chosen allows us to see and experience Jesus in a fresh way—through the eyes of those who knew him. Thank you for praying for millions around the world like Ren—and like you—to have a year with Jesus, too.

Here’s 5 ways to begin the year in prayer with us: 

  • Pray for God to help our growing Prayer Crew to be even more focused and fervent in prayer for The Chosen in 2024. We want to see millions of prayers being prayed (and answered) for The Chosen this year.

  • Pray for the launch of Season 4, premiering in theaters on February 1, 2024. Following theatrical release, as always, the series will be available for free on The Chosen app in March (release date coming soon). Pray that this special release will demonstrate to the film industry that faith-based content is thriving.

  • Pray for the creators, cast, and crew of The Chosen—for their safety, for their inspiration, and for them to also experience the beautiful presence of Jesus in their lives.

  • Pray thanks and praise to  God that The Chosen has been streamed by over 172 million people, and made available in 20 languages—with more coming soon. Ask for resources and funding for Season 5 to help expand the reach and impact of The Chosen.

  • Most importantly, pray for Jesus to be made known—for hearts to be ignited by the Gospel as it’s portrayed in The Chosen. Pray for people to come to know Jesus for the first time and for life-long Christians to be renewed in their devotion to experiencing Jesus in their lives.

The impact of The Chosen is simply stunning, and your prayers are helping millions of people around the world gain access to this groundbreaking television series. I want to personally thank you for being a part of the Come and See Prayer Crew. May this be a year spent well with Jesus!

Praying for you and with you,

Laura Gish 

Prayer Coordinator

Come and See Foundation

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I love helping people pray. And this is the work I coordinate through Come and See! I believe every follower of Jesus can experience the awe-inspiring power of prayer. Jesus’ life and teaching shows us the beauty and mystery of this spiritual practice. Talking with God as Jesus taught makes the unimaginable possible – and it changes us in the process. For the last 13 years, I’ve helped to mobilize, resource and direct praying communities to rally around the transformational experience of collective prayer. Together, let’s join in prayer for the message of Jesus to reach 1 billion people through The Chosen!